viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

Table tennis: my favorite sport

Hi everyone! 

Today I want to talk you about my favorite sport: table tennis.

I have done table tennis more than 5 years. I started learning with a teacher of the school when until now. Table tennis is the sport to interact the preparation physical with the intelligence. This is an Olympic sport since 1998 and It is one of the ten most complete sports that can be practiced in the world and You can practice this sport all your life 

The stature is not decisive: Vladimir Samsonov of Belarus is 1.90 meters high while the Chinese Deng Yaping is 1.49 meters high. These players are the best of this decade in the world. 

I represented the campus Juan Gomez Milla three years ago in the championships with the other faculties of our university, but I was stopped going to training in May because my cousin was dead and my life changed completely and I was abandoned everything 

I think it´s moment to come back to training table tennis because i can't found other sport or activity to help me free myself from stress, rage, worry, hate, fear and anyway....all emotion. 

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viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

Mary Richmond, the grat reformer

Hi everyone! 

Today I want to talk you about the person that I admire about my career: Mary Richmond. 

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Mary Richmond was born on August 5, 1891 in Belleville, Illinois and died in 1928 in New York. When she was 3 years old her mother died and she was sent to live with her grandmother and her two aunts. In 1978 she graduated from the East High School of Baltimore. 

She was the conceptual inventor, the one who theorized and systematized the Social Work and the one that formalized and its techniques and contents. 

I like her because she did a lot for Social Work be she insisted on the need to created a school for the theoretical-practical training of social workers. She was a feminist suffrage, defended in her books democracy and facing authoritarianism and patriarchalism. 

Mary Richmond was the first american woman to direct the management and administration of a charitable society, a direction that until now had been controlled by mens. When she was 36 years old, she started teaching classes for the first Social Work seminar for the training of Social Work in New York.

In 1905, when she was 44 years old, she founded the first School of Social Work: The New York School of Filantrophy.

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

My favorite photograph

Hi everyone! 
I want to show you my favorite photo 

In this photo, I was next to a boat in Bucalemu. This place is very near Santa Cruz and I go whit my family every summer vacation.
This beach is very special to me because it is the one we always go as a family but this summer 
was more importante because my mom had been diagnosed with cancer and we promised to enjoy the holidays to fullest (After several tests they told us it was not cancer so, all right!) 

This picture was taken by my dad and is one of the few that he takes me and I appear in them hahahah  what's more, in this photo we laughed because he took me another one and I did not go.

I remember this photo with a lot of love for everything that means "to laugh and enjoy the moments in spite of everyting".

viernes, 13 de julio de 2018

About my practice in Andacollo

Hi everyone!
I want to tell you about the practice I am doing in Social Work.

I am working in the Toro a village of Andacollo and this is a commune to the region of Coquimbo.
Andacollo has had from its origins a relationship whit the explotation of minerals is more, "its name would come from the Quechua words" anta "and "colla", so Andacollo can be interpreted as "queen of metal" or "queen metal".

What do I do there?

I am working on three lines: The first one is related to the environment conflict of the zone, product of the mining companies: Teck Carmen de Andacollo and Minera Dayton. The second line is related to the conditions of precarious housing that come to violate fundamental rights of people the Toro and the last line is related about the organization miners.

We all ready postulate a Japan fund for housing and we are doing community interviews.

viernes, 6 de julio de 2018

My favorite piece of technology

One of my favorite piece of technology is my Mp3. My parents gave it to me a couple of years ago and I still use it.

In my Mp3 I save all the music I like and I use it all moment, especially when I travel to my house in Santa Cruz or to my practice in Andacollo. But also saving music, in it I can save documents or photos fot the University or for anything.

My Mp3 does not use batteries so, it is less polluting for the environment. You can charge it in the Television, computers and anywhere.

You can buy the Mp3 in supermarkets, electronics stores like Tectronix or Pc Factory, commercials stores like Falabella, Paris, Ripley, etc

And do you have one? I think you should have a Mp3.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

About me

Hi everyone!

My name is Karina Salas and I study Social Work in the University of Chile. I was born in San Fernando, in the VI region of Chile, on July 25, 1997. 

I have an older brother and we have a difference of 5 years. My parents are from Santa Cruz and i lived in this city until I was 17 years and for study subjects I had to go to live in Santiago. I miss my house a lot: mom's food, my dog lucas, dad's games. Everything. 

Well, I studied in 2 school, the first called Luis Oyarzún Peña and the second is school Manquemavida. In the firts school, when I was 7 years, i learned to play piano but, I stop when I was 11 years for personal subjetcs. I was so happy played piano. In the second school i learned to play table tennis.

Now, I study in the University and play table tennis for my campus. Also I am member of Convive Uch and OpenBio. The first it's a project about fuctional diversity in the university and de second it's a project about biotechnology.

Table tennis: my favorite sport

Hi everyone!  Today I want to talk you about my favorite sport: table tennis. I have done table tennis more than 5 years. I sta...