viernes, 6 de julio de 2018

My favorite piece of technology

One of my favorite piece of technology is my Mp3. My parents gave it to me a couple of years ago and I still use it.

In my Mp3 I save all the music I like and I use it all moment, especially when I travel to my house in Santa Cruz or to my practice in Andacollo. But also saving music, in it I can save documents or photos fot the University or for anything.

My Mp3 does not use batteries so, it is less polluting for the environment. You can charge it in the Television, computers and anywhere.

You can buy the Mp3 in supermarkets, electronics stores like Tectronix or Pc Factory, commercials stores like Falabella, Paris, Ripley, etc

And do you have one? I think you should have a Mp3.

1 comentario:

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