viernes, 13 de julio de 2018

About my practice in Andacollo

Hi everyone!
I want to tell you about the practice I am doing in Social Work.

I am working in the Toro a village of Andacollo and this is a commune to the region of Coquimbo.
Andacollo has had from its origins a relationship whit the explotation of minerals is more, "its name would come from the Quechua words" anta "and "colla", so Andacollo can be interpreted as "queen of metal" or "queen metal".

What do I do there?

I am working on three lines: The first one is related to the environment conflict of the zone, product of the mining companies: Teck Carmen de Andacollo and Minera Dayton. The second line is related to the conditions of precarious housing that come to violate fundamental rights of people the Toro and the last line is related about the organization miners.

We all ready postulate a Japan fund for housing and we are doing community interviews.

6 comentarios:

  1. The communities need more people like you, I hope the Japan Foundation accept your postulation and you continue making better lives for other people.

  2. very inspiring, nice work with the communite!!

  3. What you are doing is really admirable


  4. how nice, it is important to want to work where one motivates you, I am very interested in doing intervention, projects and research in the maule since there are many things that involve me in my area of ​​origin that I would like to understand and solve


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