viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

About me

Hi everyone!

My name is Karina Salas and I study Social Work in the University of Chile. I was born in San Fernando, in the VI region of Chile, on July 25, 1997. 

I have an older brother and we have a difference of 5 years. My parents are from Santa Cruz and i lived in this city until I was 17 years and for study subjects I had to go to live in Santiago. I miss my house a lot: mom's food, my dog lucas, dad's games. Everything. 

Well, I studied in 2 school, the first called Luis Oyarzún Peña and the second is school Manquemavida. In the firts school, when I was 7 years, i learned to play piano but, I stop when I was 11 years for personal subjetcs. I was so happy played piano. In the second school i learned to play table tennis.

Now, I study in the University and play table tennis for my campus. Also I am member of Convive Uch and OpenBio. The first it's a project about fuctional diversity in the university and de second it's a project about biotechnology.

Table tennis: my favorite sport

Hi everyone!  Today I want to talk you about my favorite sport: table tennis. I have done table tennis more than 5 years. I sta...